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Immaculate Constellation – Michael Shellenberger’s Congressional Testimony | Mikey and Bub

Immaculate Constellation – Michael Shellenberger’s Congressional Testimony | Mikey and Bub

Join us live as we dive into the latest revelations from the UAP Congressional Hearings! We’ll unpack Michael Shellenberger’s bombshell testimony on the USAP Immaculate Constellation. Former intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, and key perspectives from Tim Gallaudet and Michael Gold were also featured during this epic UAP Congressional Hearing. Watch the entire UAP Hearing, Link Below! What do these testimonies mean for transparency, national security, and our understanding of UAPs? Is this a pivotal moment in UFO History? Don’t miss it—hit that notification bell and join the conversation!Don’t miss this deep dive into one of the most compelling public discussions on unidentified aerial phenomena yet.

Immaculate Constellation – Michael Shellenberger’s Congressional Testimony | Mikey and Bub

#uap #congressionalhearing #michaelshellenberger

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Source Links:

UAP Congressional Hearing: @oversightandaccountability

Immaculate Constellation Document: